Windy Wellington and Beautiful Journeys

 The past few days have been spent in Wellington and travelling from the North to the South Island. However, principally I have spent my time trying to get rid of a rather nasty cold, so apologies if this is not the most exciting of blogs. However, even with a cold New Zealand is breathtakingly beautiful. 

My first journey from Taupo to Wellington took me along the shores of Lake Taupo then up and through Tongariro national park, with its beautiful mountains. The journey ended on the coast just before the sunset.

I was not up to doing much in Wellington, but I did visit the excellent Te Papa museum. The museum covers all aspects of New Zealand life past and present – from nature to Maori culture to immigration. Highlights included the colossal squid (the only one on display in the world), the Maori meeting place and the exhibit that gave you the chance to see the world through the eyes of a sheep – only in New Zealand. I also visited the Night Noodle Market, which was taking place along the waterfront. I even managed to find masala chai, which I have been craving since I left India.

This morning I caught the early ferry across the Cook Strait to the South Island, a journey that takes about 3 1/2hours. I spent the last hour of the journey outside on the top observation deck. The sun was shining and the views incredible.

The last leg of my journey was from Picton to Kaikoura. The drive was beautiful – for the first part vineyards and farms lined the road, then mountains and finally the coast. Seals were basking in the rocks on one side of the road and on the other snow capped mountains rose out of farmland. I’m not sure I will ever get used to the beauty of New Zealand.

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