Home sweet home

After 123 days and 5 countries my wanderings have come to an end. I have seen some incredible countries, met some amazing people and had a wonderful time doing it. All the countries I have visited have been brilliant and very different. I have done so many things I never thought I would and faced some fears. I have bathed an elephant, hiked in the outback, swim with wild dolphins and so much more. 

As a solo female traveller for most of my journey I have, at points, been questioned. People have asked am I really alone, is that really my bag as it is so heavy and whether I worry about safety. I know guys travelling have not faced the same questions. My message to anyone thinking of travelling is just book the flight. Jump, you will never regret it. 

Finally, I want to say thank you to you all for reading my blog and all your lovely messages while I have been away. This is the end of my wanderings this time, but I know there will be more at some point.

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